Hot Features:
FREE NO CREDITS NEEDED Unlock Rapido BB5 SL2 Models!
- Auto Detect SL3 & Stop (Does Not Kill SL3 Phones) 5310, 6500s, etc...
- World EXCLUSIVE!! Unlocking of BB5 SL3 from any operator WITH CREDITS!!- Does Not Kill N95 8GB / 5800d / N96 Unlike Other Tools.
Direct and FREE Unlock for all Nokia BB5 with HASH BAF3!- Unique tool in the world capable of
unlock all Nokia BB5 with HASH 9DDBxxxx or CAEExxxx! (*)- Fully Portable BB5 Unlocker (No PC or Net Needed)!
- Achieve Local mode very easily with jaf 7 pin cables via special resistor switch built into adapter.
DCT4+ and DCT4++ Direct and Permanent Unlock in Seconds! No more waiting for partial files!
- READY TO GO Box Pre-Updated with and ready to go!! (just plug phones in and start unlocking)
Device Specifications:
- Standalone Universal Device - it can run applications for any phone model.
- Built-in 4096 colors LCD display.
- Easy to navigate menu system, similar to popular phone interfaces.
- Numeric keypad: 0-9, and up/down/left/right button.
- High capacity LiOn battery - 7.2 V/ 1500 mAh. It can power the device for more then a week, it will also provide power to the connected phone.
- SD/MMC card support (64 Mb to 16Gb), SDHC fully supported, FAT32 formatted.
- 10 pin parallel port, can work as general purpose parallel port, USART, clock generation, TP interface.
- Phones can be connected via standard RJ-45 service cables from compatible flashing boxes.
- USB Host and Device ports - it can connect as USB device to PC and can provide USB interface to a phone.
- Smart Card Interface, ISO 7816 compatible. It can work with manufactures original cards as Nokia SX-4, SonyEricsson EMMA3 and also JAVA and .NET cards.
- Genie uses the SD card as permanent storage, all files and applications are stored and executed from the card.
- Genie can work as PC dongle enabling Windows programs with high speed interface and security features.
- Triple power supply - can operate on internal battery, supplied charger or USB cable connected to a PC.
Detailed Device Features:
- Ability to repair damaged simlock data in BB5 Rapido phones.
- Realtime server operation or via ASK/RPL files.
- It can rebuild fully erased simlock after full erase.
- It can create default ‘unlocked’ RPL file.
- It can create locking RPL file from provided simlock.bin file.
- It can back up simlock from locked phone as simlock.bin.
- It can generate unlock codes when locking a phone.
- It can read simlock status.
- Generated RPL file from server is saved to a file as backup.
- Support All DCT4 and DCT4Plus FLASH IMEI and UEM IMEI RPL credits.
- No more waiting for firmware released by Nokia to unlock new DCT4Plus phone!
- No Phone firmware check or patch required for unlocking!
Direct Unlock all DCT4Plus!- Repair bad simlock data FFFFFFF.
- Supporting Nokia ODM Model.
- BB5 Life Timer Reset Application for Clip.
- Unlocking of latest
BB5 with HASH BAF3 and 9DDB(*) such as models as 6600s, 6600f, 5310, ... - Full factory reset for all DCT4 and BB5 Phones.
BB5 Unlock Application for Clip (Support N70,6630,6680,6681).
- BB5 No TestPoint Unlock Application for Clip!!! No credit or logs needed!!!
- Direct Unlock for All SL and SL2 BB5 Nokia handsets!!!EMULATOR for Official Dongles and Official Service Software:
- Nokia FLS-5 application added: Full FLS-5 Features enabled.
- DCT3 Wintesla and DCT4/BB5 Phoenix FBus flashing.
So you can Repair dead phones, USB flashing, Testing, Tunning, RPL restore and etc..
Supported Models:
World First, PERMANENT unlock within only 1 second per phone!!Clip Instructions: Go to Menu -> Programs -> Script and run the "dct4all.smx" tool.
While Unlocking our DCT4+ phones with "dct4all.smx" it also repair any damage in the SIM-LOCK Area, since the unlock procedure fully rebuilds the sim-lock zone.
Nokia 1110i RH-93
Nokia 1112b RH-92
Nokia 1200 RH-99
Nokia 1200 RH-100
Nokia 1202 RH-112
Nokia 1208 RH-105
Nokia 1208b RH-106
Nokia 1209 RH-105
Nokia 1600b RH-66
Nokia 1661 RM-305
Nokia 1662
Nokia 1650 RM-305
Nokia 1680 Classic RM-394
Nokia 1680 Classic-2b RM-490
Nokia 2220 Slide RM-590
Nokia 2310 RM-189
Nokia 2320 Classic RM-514
Nokia 2320 Classic-2b RM-515
Nokia 2323 CLassic RM-543
Nokia 2330 Classic RM-512
Nokia 2600 RH-60
Nokia 2600a RH-60
Nokia 2600 Classic RM-340
Nokia 2610 RH-86
Nokia 2610b RH-87
Nokia 2626 RM-291
Nokia 2630 RM-298
Nokia 2630b RM-299
Nokia 2660 RM-292
Nokia 2660b RM-293
Nokia 2680 Slide RM-392
Nokia 2680 Slide-2b RM-500
Nokia 2720 Fold RM-519
Nokia 2760 RM-258
Nokia 2760b RM-259
Nokia 2760h RM-391
Nokia 5000 RM-362
Nokia 5030 XM RM-524
Nokia 6030b RM-75
Nokia 7070 RH-116
Nokia 7100s RM-438
These above models are supported fter update your Clip with Genie Client Update under "Mode" -> "USB mode" (only with Firmware v0.0.0.192r or above).
FREE, NO CREDITS and NO COMPUTER NEEDED for Nokia BB5 PA_SL1 y PA_SL2 with RAP3 Processor:
Clip Instructions: Go to Menu -> Programs -> Nokia and run the "Bb5all.exe" tool.
3109c (RM-274)
3110c (RM-237)
3250 (RM-38)
3500c (RM-272)
3500cb (RM-273)
5200 (RM-174)
5200b (RM-181)
5300 (RM-146)
5300b (RM-147)
5500 (RM-86)
6085 (RM-198)
6086 (RM-188)
6086b (RM-260)
6125 (RM-178)
6126/6133 (RM-126)
6131 (RM-115)
6131 NFC (RM-216)
6136 (RM-199)
6151 (RM-200)
6233 (RM-145)
6234 (RM-123)
6280 (RM-78)
6300 (RM-217)
6300b (RM-222)
6680 (RM-36)
6681 (RM-57)
6682 (RM-58)
7370 (RM-70)
7373 (RM-209)
7390 (RM-140)
8600 (RM-164)
E50 (RM-170)
E50 (RM-171)
E50 (RM-172)
E60 (RM-49)
E61 (RM-89)
E61i (RM-227)
E62 (RM-88)
E65 (RM-208)
N70 (RM-84)
N70 (RM-84)
N70-5 (RM-99)
N71 (RM-112)
N71 (RM-67)
N72 (RM-180)
N73-1 (RM-133)
N73-5 (RM-132)
N75 (RM-128)
N77 (RM-194)
N80-1 (RM-92)
N80-3 (RM-91)
N90 (RM-42)
N91-1 (RM-43)
N91-5 (RM-158)
N91-8GB (RM-43)
N92 (RM-100)
N93 (RM-55)
Clip Instructions: Go to Menu -> Programs -> Nokia and run the "Bb5all.exe" tool.
5310 (RM-303)
5310-2 (RM-304)
5320 (RM-409)
5610 (RM-242)
5610d (RM-358)
5610XpressMusic (RM-279)
5610XpressMusic (RM-431)
5700 (RM-230)
5700 (RM-302)
5800 (RM-356)
6110 (RM-186)
6110Navigator (RM-122)
6120c (RM-310)
6120c Classic (RM-243)
6122c (RM-425)
6124c CLASSIC (RM-422)
6210Navigator (RM-367)
6210S (RM-386)
6212C (RM-396)
6220C (RM-387)
6290 (RM-176)
6500C (RM-265)
6500C-2 (RM-397)
6500S (RM-278)
6500Slide (RM-240)
6650Fold (RM-400)
E51 (RM-244)
E51-2 (RM-426)
E66 (RM-343)
E66-2 (RM-494)
E71 (RM-346)
E71-2 (RM-493)
E75 (RM-412)
E90 (RA-6)
N76 (RM-135)
N76 (RM-149)
N78 (RM-235)
N78-2 (RM--236)
N79 (RM-348)
N81 (RM-256)
N81-3 (RM-223)
N81-8GB (RM-179)
N82 (RM-313)
N82-2 (RM-314)
N85 (RM-333)
N95 (RM-159)
N95 (RM-160)
N95 (RM-245)
N95-8GB (RM-320)
N95-8GB (RM-321)
N96 (RM-247)
N96 (RM-274)
N96 (RM-472)
World First! FREE and NO CREDITS required for Nokia BB5 PA_SL2 with new 9DDBxxxx or CAEExxxx HASH (*):
Clip Instructions: Go to Menu -> Programs -> Nokia and run the "Bb5all.exe" tool.
List of recognized models with New ROOT HASH KEY: 9DDBFCFE6E73CED7D8C6268C8EB85723- 3600s Slide (RM-352)
- 5220 (RM-411)
- 5310 (RM-303)
- 5310-2 (RM-304)
- 6600f Fold (RM-325)
- 6600S Slide(RM-414)
- 6600S-2 Slide (RM-415)
- 7210s Supernova (RM-436)
- 7210s Supernova (RM-379)
- 7310c Supernova (RM-379)
- 7510A Supernova (RM-398)
- 7610s Supernova (RM-354)
- N86_8MP (RM-484)
- ....
And in the end any Nokia BB5 that after read it with any box it has the New ROOT KEY HASH:
9DDBFCFE6E73CED7D8C6268C8EB85723List of recognized models with New ROOT HASH KEY: CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EEAnd also new Firmware versions: v30, v200 y v300...- 5800xm (RM-356)
- 6210n (RM-367)
- E63 (RM-437)
- E71 (RM-346 / RM-493)
- N85 (RM-333)
- N96 (RM-274 / RM-472)
- ...
And in the end any Nokia BB5 that after read it with any box it has the New ROOT KEY HASH:
CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EE(*) The unlock of these handsets with new ROOT KEY HASH does NOT require credits since now are free if you use "Nokia SL_X Remote Tools v1.0.0.34" or above in your computer.
WORLD EXCLUSIVE!! Nokia BB5 PA_SL3 supported (with credits):
Clip Instructions: Go to Menu -> Programs -> Script and run the "Log.smx" tool.
Computer Instructions: Launch "Nokia SL_X Remote Tools v1.0.0.34" or above.
· N97
· N97 mini
· 5310XM
· 6303
· 3600
· 5130XM
· 6500s
In order to know the instructions and the actual cost of each Nokia BB5 SL3 unlocking, please visit the section "Activations, Credits and Logs" -> "Genie Universal Credits and Logs" of our online store.The product includes the following accessories and cables (9 pieces):
01. Genie Clip 2010 Revised Edition - Black Color
02. Genie Original Battery (7.2V 1500mAh)
03. Mains Charger 110-240v (9v 1000mAh)
04. Mains Charger EURO Plug with 2 Pin (220v)
05. Mains Charger UK/USA Plug with 3 Pin (110v)
06. USB-A to DC Output for Charge the Device with the Computer
07. Genie RJ48 10pin -> JAF RJ45 7pin Adaptor with BSI Resistor switch between 0k, 5.1k, 7.5k and 10k
08. USB 2.0 Clip Cable (USB-A to miniUSB)
09. SD Card 2GB for the Clip folders: System, Programs, Files, Scripts and auto-save Phone Backups before each Unlock.

This item is shipped with the following FULLY FREE material:

· Disc entirely developed by our technical department, you will not find in other stores!!
· We supply
ALL software, drivers and updates needed for the use and installation of the product.
· Manuals in PDF format
also 100% in Spanish including real screenshots with
all steps for the installation.·
Videos in Executable format ready for Windows
with real processes of use, unlocking, etc...Some REAL Samples of the Manuals included into our CD/DVD Disks:

Information about dongles, boxes, activationes, licenses, etc...
Generally, the devices connected to a computer, as boxes and dongles, and its licenses, calculators, activations and software, may need permanent and stable internet connection during the usage of processes and functions available on each device.
This is because the protection mechanisms and algorithms are residing on internet servers owned by the device manufacturer and software developer. These mechanisms are necessary to carry out these above mentioned processes and functions.
Our company strives to select products, for our online sales catalog, that are renowned worldwide, with frequent and regular udates, and in many cases, free and at no charge. However, our company is not responsible for the decisions of each particular manufacturer or developer, including without prior advice, such as, the possibility of a not continuity of updates of any of the products, changes in the policy of renewal of licenses, calculators, activations, credits, logs, server status at anytime (online / offline), as well as future functions, upgrades to new versions, etc ... since these aspects are only depending on the manufacturers of mentioned devices and not in our company.